

Recommendations from Children to Improve Climate Situation

A child hearing event was organized at Ghoraghat on 10th October 2021 as part of Child Rights Week to give children scope to share their recommendations to government and community leaders regarding climate change related to their surroundings.
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Children at LRP-50 are Conscious to Claim Their Rights

Along with its partner organization, ActionAid Bangladesh is working at LRP-50 to enhance the status the child rights. Thus, during the celebration of Child Rights Week 2021, members of the Child Forum organized a Press Conference on 07th October at Press Club in their community.
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Discussion session & Drawing competition on ‘Climate Change’ & ‘Early Marriage’ in Keshabpur:

As a part of Child Rights week 2021, various initiatives had been taken at LRP level to ensure child participation. Along with the theme of Child Rights Week 2021, this time, we tried to highlight the theme ‘Climate Justice’ to incorporate the demand and desire of our children from the local to national level as well as international level at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26. Along with that, a huge number of girls are at risk of child marriage. Though there is significant progress in recent years, still Bangladesh has the fourth highest prevalence of child marriage especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, millions of girls are facing difficulties. School closures, isolation from friends and support networks, and rising poverty places girls at risk of child marriage.
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Drawing competition on ‘Climate Change & Global warming’ in Biswambarpur:

We are constantly working to establish the rights of children, especially for the disadvantaged one. Disadvantaged children have various obstacles. Natural disasters are one of them. Poor families are suffering the most due to climate change. The people especially the children of Biswambarpur is no exception. With this thought in mind, to share the causes of climate change, to give the child ideas and take initiatives on what to do in dealing with climate change, a drawing competition on ‘Climate change & Global warming’ had been arranged from 3rd of October to 5th of October as a part of Child Rights Week celebration. 74 children took part in this competition and share their thoughts, views on climate change through drawings. At the end of the event, best drawings were selected & 3 children were awarded.
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Child Hearing in Biswambarpur:

Child rights week 2021 is being celebrated with the slogan ‘Invest for children & build prosperous world’. Today’s child is the future of tomorrow. The child of today will play a role in the overall development of this country and the whole world in the future. Children cannot play a role in the election of people's representatives. They don’t have the right to vote. But they have to rely on the people's representatives to implement and ensure their rights. Children have very few opportunities to discuss about their rights with people’s representatives. As a part of celebrating Child Rights Week 2021, the opportunity of child hearing had been arranged by LRP 43 to create the opportunity for this exchange of views.
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World Children Day & Child Rights Week 2021 observance at LRP52

Bangladesh government declared 04 October to 10th October 2021 as the Child Rights Week - 2021. Along with the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (MoWCA), different organizations observe the week with different activities.
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Eco Friendly Market Through Rally by Youth Group on Child Rights Week - 2021

With a view to the establishment of an eco-friendly market at Thanchi Upazila, along with Child Forum members, the youth group members attended a campaign program through a rally on the observation of child rights week on 4th October 2021.
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Child Rights Week - 2021 observation at LRP34

Every year, child rights week is observed everywhere in Bangladesh. Keeping this continuation this week have been observed with children and community people in Thanchi Upazila with the support of ActionAid Bangladesh.
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