

Children Tries to Develop Their Leadership Skill by Participating Child Leadership & Cultural Movement training at LRP 43, Sunamganj

To enhance the child’s mental development, flourish the capacity of Child Forum members, and to make children confident by ensuring meaningful participation in the development process, ActionAid Bangladesh arranged three days long capacity building training with 30 child participants on “Child Leadership & Cultural Movement” in 2022 to enable the members to explain the basic idea of leaders and leadership; demonstrate essential leadership skills required for mobilizing others including communication, team management, conflict management and decision making; build confidence in their own leadership abilities for social change through different cultural activities like drama presentation, singing. 30 children from Child Forum, Youth Group and Community Journalist Group along with the community facilitators participated in this training.
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Children Learn through Life Skill Based Education Training at LRP 43:

ActionAid Bangladesh organized ‘Life Skill Based Education (LSBE)’, a three daylong training at LRP 43 with the objectives to help children by providing practical, cognitive, emotional, social, and self-management skills for life, to be exposed with the methodology of the Skills for Life course and to learn about the Skills for Life Toolkit.
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HRBA Training for LRP (Local Rights Program) & AAB (ActionAid Bangladesh) staff to understand the program approach of ActionAid:

To improve understanding of program approach of ActionAid, a 4-day-long residential training on HRBA (Human Rights-Based Approach) has been arranged at ActionAid Global Platform (GP) for LRP (Local Rights Program) & AAB (ActionAid Bangladesh) staff.
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A cultural movement that can create by child leadership

ActionAid formed four (04) child forums with around a total of 100 children in LRP49 Mirpur. Representative of them recently received three (03) days of training on child leadership and cultural movement where 26 children and 4 community staff participated. Their diversified content allowed them to learn leadership through cultural practice.
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Drawing and Crafting is Fun: Children are learning from the professionals

ActionAid Bangladesh organized a 5 days long Drawing training that took place from 21st July to 25th July in four places including urban and rural communities.
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