
ActionAid Bangladesh has developed a MEAL system at organizational level in line with ALPS (Accountability Learning and Planning System) and Meta Theory of Change (MTOC) of ActionAid International. This MEAL system aims to monitor the main change achieved and assess the integration of AAB’s work, and ensure quality of programme for inclusive decision-making, enable learning process and maximize transparency and accountability. The approach of MEAL system is based on the principles of ALPS-– accountability, transparency, learning, power, women’s rights, evidence/rigour and our human rights-based programme approach.

The overall objectives of the MEAL system are to

  •  track the progress against the proposed plan of LRP and projects and share the progress to the management, executive board and donor according to the needs and priority.
  •  establish an accountability system in line with ALPS and Organizational accountability guidelines.
  •  suggest for the improvement of program quality through collecting, analyzing data that will help to support corrective decision-making for management.


The approach of MEAL system of AAB based on the principles of Alps and three additional programming principles- putting rights holder first, ensuring linkages and partnership. To serve these principles and approach, monitoring framework, and indicators have been developed to empower those who involved in the programme of ActionAid by deepening understanding of rights and shift in power. MEAL system of ActionAid has been designed not only to monitor our work (action/output) and the results of our work (objective/outcome) but also to test whether our theory of change is working out in practice (goal/impact). On the other hand, participatory review and reflection process (PRRP) also monitor changes in the context to see whether our work is still relevant. In this way the monitoring approach of AAB has integrated participatory approach.
To meet above mentioned objectives, a robust monitoring system will be developed to monitor three key dimensions of change relating to Meta Theory of Change (MTOC): 1) building power of people living in poverty and exclusion, 2) creating an enabling environment, 3) greater access to and control over services and resources. This system will also focus on intentional data collection to facilitate course-corrective action to improve effectiveness interventions.
MEAL unit follow critical pathway analysis to monitor three key dimensions of change. In this regard, the area of activities, and expected outcome are showed on the pathway of each strategic priority (SP), organizational priority (OP) and LRP on how to attain goal and objective. In accordance with Alps and HRBA guideline, critical pathway is analyzed for each LRP, SP and OP to identify actions, outputs/intermediate outcomes, outcomes and impacts with indicator to do process monitoring and results monitoring using targets for actions and indicators. Besides, for the projects, AAB usually follow log frame analysis according to demand of donor.


To assess and generate learning about future strategies for programme and projects, AAB undertake evaluation study as part of organizational and donor requirements. To serve these principles and approach, monitoring framework, and indicators have been developed to empower those who involved in the programme of ActionAid by deepening understanding of rights and shift in power. MEAL system of ActionAid has been designed not only to monitor our work (action/output) and the results of our work (objective/outcome) but also to test whether our theory of change is working out in practice (goal/impact). On the other hand, participatory review and reflection process (PRRP) also monitor changes in the context to see whether our work is still relevant. In this way the monitoring approach of AAB has integrated participatory approach.

Accountability Approach

Accountability concept of ActionAid is one of mutual accountability driven by a primary accountability to poor and excluded people with whom we and our partners work. For ActionAid, accountability is integrally linked to our mission; it is about empowering people and transforming power relations, thus it is part of our strategy and theory of change. Accountability process of AAB has been designed in a way so that it can empower people living in poverty to claim from us and ultimately from duty bearers, to shape their own

development processes. AAB recognizes following five principles as guiding to accountability process: i) Participation and inclusion ii) Evaluation and Learning Iii) Transparency iv) Complaints and resolution v) Monitoring our commitments and ensuring compliance.

Learning Generation

Learning is generated through reviewing field note of every monitoring visit, conducting Participatory Review and Reflection process (PRRP), Learning is generated through reviewing field note of every monitoring visit, conducting Participatory Review and Reflection process (PRRP), Mid-term Evaluation, End-line Evaluation, Participatory Video Monitoring and Evaluation (PVM&E). In addition, AAB also organize learning capturing workshop of projects and LRP to generate learning. The learning workshop ensure the participation of project staff, community people and representation of donor.

Execution of MEAL System

As part of the organizational priority under CSPV, ActionAid Bangladesh will review digital MEAL system for Conducting Assessment, Evaluation, Baseline and End-line that will be done using KoBo Toolbox. Enumerators will be trained on how to interact with women, young people and children respondents through conversation and not to be limited by technological devices.

The followings are the major actions to be executed for monitoring system of the organization during CSPV period:

  • track the progress against the proposed plan of LRP and projects and share the progress to the management, executive board and donor according to the needs and priority.
  • suggest for the improvement of program quality through collecting, analyzing data that will help to support corrective decision-making for management.