

The Power Within

Since its establishment in 1983, ActionAid Bangladesh (AAB) has been at the forefront of disaster response and climate change adaptation efforts in Bangladesh. We prioritise gender-sensitive approaches, empowering women as leaders during emergencies. In partnership with UN Women, we are dedicated to empowering Rohingya women and girls in the refugee camp. Our project centred around Multi-purpose Women's Centres (MPWC), aiming to address the diverse needs of this vulnerable population, and recognise the critical role of women in building stronger communities. Our goal is clear: to empower Rohingya women and girls. Through MPWCs, we offer tailored services like psychosocial support, healthcare, leadership training, and livelihood skill development. We equip women with tools to assert their rights, build confidence, and drive change in their communities. This storybook captures the empowering journey of Rohingya women and girls in the world's largest refugee camp. May these stories inspire hope, courage, and meaningful conversations. We must create a world where every woman is valued, respected, and empowered to thrive.
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