


Climate Action Network South Asia (CANSA), has been on the driving seat to pursue “climate change and development” issues both internally within the region and outside the region.
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In continuation of the program in 2007, following the Acid Survivors Conference “Let’s Build the Bridge” (Shetu Bandhon Gori) network was established and conducted by survivors themselves. Incidents of acid violence occurs in different parts of the country therefore a network is a vital strategy to mobilize the survivors. Shetu Bondhon Gori (Let’s Build the Bridge) is unique in the sense that it is the first network for survivors established by survivors of acid violence. It is designed to address these key factors that determine the realities and affect the recovery of survivors firstly Psychological recovery, secondly the socio-economic empowerment. Today the network has 275 members in 7 Districts (Pabna, Sirajgonj , Barisal, Patuakhali, Sathkhira, Dinajpur and Dhaka) supporting each other to combat acid violence and rebuild their lives and livelihoods.
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Stop Violence Against Women Network

84% of the women and girls respondents from seven cities in Bangladesh face sexually abusive language’-is shown by a study conducted by ActionAid Bangladesh. Total of 54.7 percent women living in urban areas of Bangladesh face violence including physical, psychological, financial, social violence as well as unwanted touches from strangers. Also the lack of effective measures to address sexual harassment at workplaces fail to keep women safe. The presence of an effective mechanism to address sexual harassment
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