Name of the Organization:

Association of Voluntary Actions for Society-(AVAS)

LRP Title:

Promoting Rights for the Char Dwellers (PRCD) (LRP- 40) & Community Accessing to System for Resilience (CASR) (LRP- 50)

LRP #:

40 & 50

Number of Sponsor Children







Project Period

2011 – 2020 & 2017 - 2026

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Schematic Area

Education: Children’s performance and potentiality enhanced in a way that increasing children’s participation in school based decision making mechanism and promoting as active citizenship.
Heath: People living in poverty with more resilient have attained sustainable livelihood, secured access to public service, natural resources and become capable to uphold dignity and rights.
Food Security: Communities have systems, resources and taken effective measures that made them able to protect their assets, lives and livelihoods from shocks and hazards


After distributing 55 cows from deposited savings of 2 farmers to the Reflection Action team, now 115 of them have been the owners of the cattle and the people of their visible community have started collecting and distributing cows among themselves.

About 1012 members of the team, Lokokandra and Sponsors Family, have taken advantage of different types of income from different organizations with low interest rates and contributed to their livelihood development / change.

With the support of the land and water bodies, the Charbiswas and the Charkazal union got 27 landless families having 1.50 percent land settlement.