It is said that children are the most vulnerable part of the society if they are not nurtured and not get suitable environment to grow up. Youths and adolescents in Bangladesh also face with many personal and social challenges. Most of the time children & adolescents depend on adults for their safety, security & taking life decisions. Keeping them away from basic realities of life can bring negative impacts on both of them as well as the society. However, if they are given skills to assess situations, deal with stress and frustration, think rationally while taking any decisions etc, they can flourish in their own lives. Life skills-based education (LSBE) has been defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as ‘abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life’. In a constantly changing environment, having life skills is an essential part of being able to meet the challenges of everyday life. Considering these facts, ActionAid Bangladesh organized ‘Life Skill Based Education (LSBE)’ three daylong training on 23-25 May 2022 at LRP 45 with the below objectives:
• To help children by providing practical, cognitive, emotional, social, and self-management skills for life
• To Be exposed with the methodology of the Skills for Life course
• To Learn about the Skills for Life Toolkit
Total 30 participants including the members of Child forum, CJG (Community Journalist group), LRP staffs and field facilitators of LRP 45 attended the 3-day-long training. The participating 30 members will train up all their forum members and children in their communities on LSBE (Life skill based education) to make them efficient in taking decisions more rationally rather than emotionally under adverse situations, to increase confidence level & interpersonal skills and to think critically in solving problems.
One of the participants, Shefali (16-year-old) said, “I never participated in such training before. So, it was new experience to me. We, especially the children usually take decisions emotionally. So, sometimes we take wrong decisions. Along with that, many times we get into fights with each other. We don’t think about the consequences. We have come to know how we can communicate properly, can settle disagreement etc. We did group discussions, group works in the training, so could understand everything easily. We also had lot of fun games. I believe this training will help us to change our thoughts & actions. Thanks to ActionAid for arranging such training for us.”