‘Learning Document Series 11-13’ contains three development alternatives. The first alternative talks about formation of ‘participatory video’ team, what it takes to be ‘participatory’ and how to proceed in terms of research, issue, script etc. As a tool, participatory video has had significant success in campaigning on rights and change of mindsets. The second alternative features how grassroots leadership helps promoting right to education. Case in point is remote char (island) areas and the means suggested is Government registration of formal schools set up by communities. Journey towards this has never been easy with policy hurdle, logistic limitation, faculty shortage etc. posing constraints. This article suggests ways to overcome these difficulties. Finally the learning about Lokokendra (people’s organisation in the communities) shows what drives Lokokendras ahead, how they come into being etc. We also come to know about how to create enabling space for people to determine action points to take against inequalities and injustice