Under the project ‘Assistance to Local Communities on climate Change Adaptation & Disaster Risk Reduction in Bangladesh’, ActionAid Bangladesh along with the Embassy of Denmark in Bangladesh has started a Climate Resilient Handloom Factory. The project has been designed to facilitate vulnerable communities to understand drastic environmental changes and to adapt to the changing scenarios due to climate change.
The project has a strong focus on reducing the risks of disasters on poor peoples’ assets and livelihood. The factory is owned and run by a co-operative of 19 women yarn processors, and a total of 22 weavers are engaged with the factory.
Women get the following support regarding capacity enhancement support and facilitating market linkage:
These people were wage labor in weaving sector, but now they are the owner. The Cooperative is ensuring assets ownership to 19 families, livelihood securities for families of 21 weavers and 1 salaried staff.