BD news 24 is one of the most potential online news portals of Bangladesh. Mr Tariq Hassan, fellow at ActionAid Young Journalist Media Fellowship 2018 reported a report on 31 december 2018 on Menstrual cycle. In his writing he mentions that menstrual cycle all though a natural phenomenon but still in Bangladeshi society it is an issue that should not be talked about. Luckily due to constant government & non-governmental organizational push situation are changing but still not at a timely manner. Research has shown that girls feel uncomfortable to join classes during menstrual cycle due to unavailability of rest rooms, school activities, transportation issues etc.. ActionAid Bangladesh is working in this issue from 2011 & over time it has changed perspective of a great many number of young girls, their families & conservative personals out look toward this issue. It is important to break the social taboo regarding menstrual cycle through wide spread open discussion regarding this issue.