The annual report of ActionAid Bangladesh of 2015 captures the stories of the youth across ActionAid and its partners in respect to the programme, campaigns, policy advocacy, and solidarity movements undertaken throughout 2015.
Community people taking action against poverty and inequality is central to our concerted achievements throughout the year. We saw how alliances were building, social movements paced up and the stories of change influenced our working strategy. In 30 districts, we reached 187,717 people. That’s 37,182 children and 150,535 adults – including 41,702 youth and 1,597 persons with disability who strengthened our fight against poverty and inequality. In 2015, ActionAid Bangladesh partnered with 56 NGOs, 10 INGOs and 27 networks. This is in addition to the 94 CBOs who teamed up to uphold the rights of the people from poor and disadvantaged communities.
Annual Report 2015 also entails how the delegation ActionAid Bangladesh took up across the ActionAid Federation for a collective visioning reached the next milestones.