
Child Space

Child Space is considered a safe place for children where children start their pre-primary education following a formal weekly session plan. With the participation in education process, children also get to know about their child rights and protection through participating in various awareness raising session like good touch bad touch for little children, violence, coping strategies with disasters, adolescence changes, and others for elder children. Different day observation, celebration and competition are organized based on the child space where every community child can participate and take the benefit of children programs.

Community Journalist Group (CJG)

Children participation can be ensured through ‘Community Journalist Group’ activity where they can feel themselves involve in community development through writings and claim their security for protection issue.

Child Forum

Through child forum activity, children participate in the leadership process. Every forum member tries to increase leadership quality in them by leading small project like child marriage survey, organizing campaign, conducting awareness sessions, etc.

Community led Child Protection Reporting Mechanism

Community led Child Protection Reporting committees are the first step of this mechanism where a group of individuals work to minimize child protection risk. They work with formal and informal institutes to seek help for solving child protection issues and work as watchdog of community regarding the same issue. They raise awareness among families and identify child protection risk to supporting them with various methods.