Genesis of ActionAid International Bangladesh Society (AAIBS)
Members of the Executive Board
Members of the General Assembly
Committees of the Executive Board
Meetings of the Executive Board Held in 2022
Genesis of ActionAid International
Bangladesh Society (AAIBS)
ActionAid International (AAI) operates under a federal model of governance, which means that its operations
are governed by a collective membership. In 2012, ActionAid International Bangladesh Society (AAIBS)
was formed as a member of AAI, with the same values, aims, and objectives as the parent organisation.
In 2014, it became an affiliate.
3 Organs of AAIBS
Relationship Between the Organs of the Society
The General Assembly is the highest governing authority of AAIBS. The accountability of the
processes is maintained through a hierarchical structure where the Secretariat is accountable to
the Executive Board, and the Executive Board is accountable to the General Assembly. In turn, the
General Assembly is accountable to its members.